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Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

O comedie care aduce din nou în vogă hainele stridente, jambierele şi coafura afro, Teleportaţi în adolescenţă îi urmăreşte pe cei patru bărbaţi: Adam (John Cusack), Lou (Rob Corddry), Nick (Craig Robinson) şi Jacob (Clark Duke) într-o aventură mai puţin obişnuită.

După o beţie cruntă, într-un jacuzzi, cei patru se trezesc cu mari dureri de cap ... în iarna anului 1986. Dezmeticindu-se cu greu, bărbaţii reuşesc să înţeleagă că şansa care li s-a oferit în mod miraculos le poate schimba în sfârşit destinele. Unul dintre ei va găsi o nouă dragoste, unul va deprinde cum să ia atitudine în cuplu, al treilea îşi va găsi chemarea şi ultimul va realiza că viaţa este prea frumoasă ca să o lase să treacă pe lângă el.

trailer :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DCFPS58KYY

David DeeJay and Dony - Temptation (for someone special special in my life)

david deejay ft. dony - temptation.mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

lyrics :::

Temptation in the limo
If I am like a widow
If you're watching me girl
I feel I'm going down

Touch me for a minute
Take me, get me closer
Life is like a prison
If you are not around

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to hold you tight

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to treat you right

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to hold you tight

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to treat you right

I say...
I give you my......
Let me know if you feel the same
I don't think that's a wasting game

Temptation in the limo
If I am like a widow
If you're watching me girl
I feel I'm going down

Touch me for a minute
Take me, get me closer
Life is like a prison
If you are not around

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to hold you tight

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to treat you right

I say...
I give you my......
Let me know if you feel the same
I don't think that's a wasting game

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to hold you tight

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to treat you right

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to hold you tight

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to treat you right

Temptation in the limo
If I am like a widow
If you're watching me girl
I feel I'm going down

Touch me for a minute
Take me, get me closer
Life is like a prison
If you are not around

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Give me love
I feel reasons to hold you tight

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm on fire
Gïve me love
I feel reasons to treat you rïght

I LOve this song !!!!

o piesa

11B - Nero - Act Like You Know - Dubstep Mix .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

E viata greu si nu toti poate !

multumim : http://pitipoance.info
Va urma :))

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