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14 februarie :x

Angelina si Brad Pitt , Bella si Edward Cullen , Tom si Jerry , Shaggy si Scooby, cupluri nu? Iubita mea,Ioana,este o fire care nu isi arata sentimentele ...(nervii da) dar astazi, in parc fiind, am observat o stralucire mult mai intensa in ochii ei. O vedeam multumita,fericita si la randul meu ma simteam bine. Numai spun ca ne-am plimbat,sarutat si dat cadouri. Da ,mia placut,da a fost bine si da,urmeaza o perioda plina de cadouri... In general totul e bine.
Pot sa zic? Da: La multi ani !!! Te iubesc Ioa !!!

O piesa buna de la Paolo Nutini -- no other way

Pentru tine iubito !!! :X

Darlin', frustration it gets me
It gets me when it hurts me most
If I rather did the it's not easy to see
I've become far, far too long

Accept you from the even again
Then I hope you'll still find a guy you need for your fool
'Cause live is upon you on the road and it's
It's something about the whole thing that doesn't feel

Bent my knees for you, 'cause I love you
But I don't want you, I need you
I can see all what it mean
(Now what it means, now what it feels)

Frustration it gets me when it hurts me most
If I rather did the easy to see 
And I've become far, far too long

Accept you from the even again
I guess I hope I'm still the kind of guy you need
'Cause life upon on the rode these
It's something about the whole thing that doesn't feel

Bent my knees for you, 'cause I love
I don't want you, I need you
I can see all what I mean

Oh darlin', I bent my knees for you, 'cause I love you
But I don't want you, I need you
I can see all what it mean
(Now what it means, now what it feels)

asculta aici

Wicked game

The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you.
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you.

I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you. With you. (This world is only gonna break your heart)

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you and,

I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you.

The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you.
I never dreamed that I'd loose somebody like you no,

I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
I don't want to fall in love. (This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you. With you. (This world ïs only gonna break your heart)

Nobody loves no one.

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